Saturday, December 28, 2019

Heres How Crabs Find Food

Crabs may be a favorite food for some people, but they need to eat too. They often live in dark or muddy areas, where it can be difficult to find prey by eyesight. So how do crabs find food, and how do they eat? And, interestingly, what types of food do they like to eat? How Crabs Find Food Like many other marine animals, crabs rely on their sense of smell to find prey. Crabs have chemoreceptors that allow them to detect chemicals in the water that are released by their prey. These chemoreceptors are located on a crabs antennae. These are long, segmented appendages near the crabs eyes that have both chemoreceptors and allow them to feel its surroundings. Crabs also have antennules, shorter antenna-like appendages near the antennas that allow them to sense their environment. A crab can taste using hairs on its mouthparts, pincers and even its feet. Senses of Taste and Smell Crabs have pretty well-developed senses of taste and smell. Fishing for crabs, or crabbing, using pots and cages relies on these senses, and makes it possible to catch crabs. The pots are baited with a variety of smelly things, depending on the target crab species. Bait can include chicken necks, pieces of fish such as eel, menhaden, squid, herring and mackerel. As the bait hangs in the trap in a bag or in a bait jar, odorous chemicals waft out into the ocean, attracting hungry crabs. Depending on water flow, these conditions can affect their senses to detect prey. What and How Crabs Eat Crabs arent picky eaters. They will eat everything from dead and living fish to barnacles, plants,  snails, shrimp, worms and even other crabs. They use their claws to grab food particles and put the food into their mouths. This is similar to the way humans eat using their hands or utensils. Crabs also use their claws to manipulate or break up the food so they can place it into their mouths more easily in smaller bites. When crabs have to break through shells of other sea life, their strong claws come in especially handy while their other appendages help them quickly move to catch various types of prey. Different Crabs, Different Diets Different crabs like to eat different types of sea life and plants.  Dungeness crabs, for example, may snack on squid and worms, while king crabs like to nosh on clams, mussels, worms and sea urchins. Basically, king crabs hunt for prey on the ocean floor and often eat decaying animal matter as well as live sea life. Sources and Further Reading â€Å"Frequently Asked Questions.†Ã‚  Blue Crab.â€Å"Encyclopedia of Tidepools and Rocky Shores.† Edited by Mark W. Denny and Steve Gaines, University of California Press, 2017.â€Å"Dungeness Crab.  Oregon Agriculture in the Classroom..Blue Crab Anatomy

Friday, December 20, 2019

Communication in Nursing - 1699 Words

The importance of communication is the essential foundation of nursing practise; it is primarily dependant upon verbal and non-verbal communication. Encompassing both speech and behavioural aspects, efficient delivery and receiving of the nurse-patient messages initiates advantageous relationships, or contrarily, generates significant repercussions if applied ineffectively, thus affecting the quality of the nurse-patient relationship. This essay will discuss how effective verbal and non-verbal communication in nursing practice will facilitate a mutually satisfying therapeutic nurse-patient relationship. It will firstly discuss verbal communication, followed on by the complementary non-verbal communication and lastly listening. However, for†¦show more content†¦These styles of non-verbal communication can be grouped together to form body language. Chambers (2003) also adds touch, physical appearance and passive listening. Through careful consideration of those non-verbal sign s, nurses are able to gain a more profound insight into the emotional needs and experiences of patients, thus encouraging additional patient investigation (Stein-Parbury, 1999). Clearly these signs of non-verbal communication together with appropriate use will endeavor to enhance the nurse-patient relationship. According to Caris-Verhallen, Kerkstra Bensing (2002, p. 809) to express warmth and empathy the nurse need to make eye contact with the patient. However, eye contact is a special exception in non-verbal communication (Vernallen, Kerkstra Bensing, 2002). It can reveal some hidden and profound feelings that cannot be expressed in another manner that will serve as a role in emphatic connection (Benjamin, 2005). For instance, in western culture, looking people in the eye is assumed to indicate honesty and straight forwardness, in Latin and Asian cultures it represents aggression and/or disrespect (Le Roux, 2002). 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Jobs and its Importance for Thoughts -

Question: Discuss about thePersonality in Jobs and its Importancefor Thoughts. Answer: Personality revolves around an individuals commonly constant feelings, thoughts, behavioral patterns and attitudes related towards different situations. Personality therefore, affects how people react to different situations that encounter them in their daily activities. Personality trait are distinguishing qualities that surround an individual and can be common patterns of behavior, anger and emotion. ((Gorde, 2014)Weisinger, H., 2015. ) The prowess of efficient matching of the skills of an employee and his/her personality to a certain function and job is a vital constituent of fruitful management and good progress of an organization. With proper placement of staff in an organization to the appropriate job that matches with their personality, an organization is able to achieve its objectives, mission and vision. Those who are recruiting employees are advised to consider personality traits of individuals. Though we tend to think that personality is stable, it can still change because of a persons individual experiences in life, styles of parenting and the attentiveness rendered during early childhood, failures and successes that come along in life. Personality can therefore affect, (D, 2013)individuals relationships, working environment, job satisfaction, social nature of individuals and success of an organization. ((Lievens, 2017) Personality is therefore important to matching people with jobs because it promotes job satisfaction as one is put in a specific job which his/her interest and personality are matching. For a person with an openness personality are always free to express their feeling, welcomes new ideas and they always want to know new things while accommodating others feelings and ideas. People with this trait, seem to function well in circumstances which need suppleness and learning things that are new. (Weisinger, H., 2015. ) They are highly motivated and do well in training settings so their job satisfaction will be in an organization`s training units. Persons with a personality that is outgoing mostly work best in interactive situations with others and they can offer a forthcoming and beneficial customer care services. They may also elevate the standpoints of their colleagues by being focused and happy because of their satisfaction. Outgoing people cannot work well in closed door rooms where they dont interact with people as this setup best fits the introverts who dont enjoy interpersonal interaction with others and have difficulty in initiating and maintaining conversations. Eysenck (1952, 1967,1982) identified three dimensions of personality; extraversion, neuroticism and psychoticism. His finding on introverts match with the current observation of introverts who cannot function well and do not find job satisfaction in social departments of an organization. He found out that they are always reserved and only plan their actions. Matching employees personalities to jobs ensures success of both the employees and the organization. The employees are able to advance well in their careers since they are motivated to achieve results in various departments that they fit. Continuous achievement of results promotes progress. Through the achievement of results, an organization is able to realize its set objectives, mission and vision. A highly conscientious employee will bring organization`s success in entrepreneurial departments since they tend to perform well, have higher motivation levels, reduced rates of being absent and elevated rates of performing safely at work. The conscientiousness of a person, therefore, is related to success in the career and advancement. Those doing employee recruitment should consider staff level of conscientiousness and hence their appropriate work positions in order to realize success in both the employee and the organization. This is in line with prof. Murray Barrick concept at Texas A and M Mays Business school. In his study, he conceptualized that higher engagement leads to higher performance and greater retention and once managers realize employees goals, they should give them tasks that go along with their characteristics. Matching promotes innovation and creativity. When an employee is situated/posted in an area where his/her personality matches, his/her interests will be increased in the job thus being productive. This employee will always be free and combatable to provide solutions to problems whenever in crisis and will always come up with new ideas that are relevant to the organization. Individuals who are high in extrovert personality trait will always contribute fully and freely in solving meetings leading to faster and efficiency in decision making. Such individuals will perform well while placed in managerial positions as they are free and outgoing. An introvert will not fit well in such positions as they are not out going and have difficulty in sharing ideas freely. When looking for a person to fill such post, those recruiting should consider the social nature of an individual. Placing those with openness traits to positions with challenges also promotes creativity and innovation in an organi zation. These people are original, curious, open to new ideas, creative and intellectual. Their nature of being open-minded makes them to look for a lot of details and response about their faring and to establish relations which promotes swift modification and provision of solutions to challenges. This explanation marries well with the Five-Factor Model of Personality by Sean P. Neubert which showed out that job performance is most likely due to the social aspects of the work place rather than an individual`s ability. Individuals personality in jobs affect team work. Groups which have individuals who are extroverts and go getters who open up freely and participate actively always have greater achievements and success in their daily operations. Their success is attributed to their good personality traits which promotes unity and teamwork thus good working relations. Some individuals like and enjoy working on their own without the company of others while others enjoy working in groups and are productive in such groups. Those working in groups feel they are needed, have a se nse of belonging and accomplishment in such groups. Recruiting team should then consider the nature of work and the social nature of individuals they want recruit. Jobs that always require effective team work for success should always be reserved for those who can do well in a team. An introvert will not fit well with the job but the outgoing extroverts do best. They are sociable and enjoy being with the team. Personality therefore, affects group potency and team cohesion and this is also seen in a study by Sansook 2008 on social cohesion analysis, work groups evaluation and organizational effectiveness. The study proposes that three factors have a significantly positive effect on organizational effectiveness; group potency, team cohesion and collaborative management and support. All these are dependent on individual`s personality. (Weisinger, H., 2015.) Personality of employees affect their working environment. During recruitments managers take their time to find the personality of those whom they want to employ and ensuring that they avoid personality traits such as; neuroticism if the environment to be fostered is for harmonious relationship among workers. (LePine, 2013)Neuroticism personality traits have a tendency of having problems with adjustment of emotions and frequently experience depression and stress. These individuals have problems in the formation and maintenance of relationship hence affecting the workers good relationships. Most companies prefer and recruit workers who have an open and extrovert personality as they always talk everything including their feelings and perception of their jobs thus promoting good working environment.(Kenrick, 2013) Introverts are always left out in most cases as they rarely talk of their job experiences but keep to themselves thus promoting poor relationships and non-conducive working environment which leads to low output. When personalities do not match with the job, conflicts among staff can arise affecting the collaborative environment that is always desired for the smooth running of an organization. Disputes and resentment come from those personality incompatibilities between workers. Tools should therefore be set during recruitment to help identify the right characteristics fit for the job in order for good relationship to work. According to Sigmund Freud, those individuals who have the id component of personality dominating in them have problems with social relationship since they always seek immediate satisfaction of their needs without considering others. This can impair with work environment again raising conflicts among staff. Those recruiting should therefore keenly observe the employees behaviors in order to place them appropriately with the aim of fostering good working relationships among staff and managers.(Crant, 2013) In conclusion, personality is so vital during recruitment of workers and in matching them with respective jobs which they fit. Theoretically and even from practical observation it is believed that individuals differ in personality and this makes them to react differently to different situations in life. These personality traits include; extraversion, conscientiousness, openness, agreeableness and neuroticism. With the difference in personality traits, each individual has a specific job which he or she can work comfortably and be productive. During job recruitments, organizations and managers should make personality trait as one of the checks to ensure they get workers of good personality traits who match with the jobs available so as to ensure good production. Personality greatly affects the performance of people in a job as good personality promote cohesive working environment leading to excellent performance. Different jobs require different personality traits and thus the need for scrutinization of personality during job matching. Most successful managers and organizations spend a lot of their time in recruiting workers who match well with the available job positions in order to promote realization of organization`s goals, vision and mission. References Baer, M. O., 2013. The curvilinear relation between experienced creative time pressure and creativity. Journal of applied psychology, pp. 963-970. Connolly, J. J., 2013. The role of affectvity in job satisfaction. personality and individual differences, pp. 265-281. Crant, M., 2013. The proactive personality scale and objective job performance among real estate agents. Journal of applied psychology, pp. 532-537. D, M. J., 2013. Framework for the classification of personality components. journal of personality, pp. 819-878. Gorde, V., 2014. Front line leader.Building a high performance. 2 ed. Canada limited: John Willy and sons publisher. Janis, L., 2015. Personality dynamics, development and assessment. New York: Brace and World. Jawahar, I., 2013. Attitudes ,self monitoring and appraisal behaviors. journal of apllied psychology, pp. 875-883. j, W., 201. Models of personality,Theoritical perspective. 4 ed. New York: Guilford press. Kenrick, D., 2013. Profitting from controversy.Lessons from the person-situation debate.. New York city: American Psychologist. LePine, J., 2013. Team adaptation and postchange performance. Journal of aplied psychology, pp. 27-39. Lievens, F., 2017. Predicting cross cultural training performance.The validity of personality,cognitive ability,and dimensions measured by an assesment centre and a behaviour description interview.. Journal of applied psychology, pp. 476-479. M, B., 2015. The big five personality dimensions and job performance. 3 ed. New York: New York times. m, B., n.d. s.l.:s.n. McCrae, R. R., 2014. Why i advocate the five factor model. 2 ed. New York: Springler-Verlag. Mischel, 2016. Personality and assesment. New York: willey. Mischel, W., 2015. Personality and assesment. European journal of personality, pp. 1-11. Weisinger, H., 2015. Performing under pressur. 3 ed. New York city: Crown publishers.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Project Management Methodologies of Latino Engineering - Samples

Question: Discuss about the Project Management Methodologies of Latino Engineering. Answer: Latino Engineering is medium size company; they are around 300 employees working in the company. The enterprise is known to provide best quality design, development for the equipment they manufacture. Dominic Latino, the founder of the company is known to provide best quality product to the clients and thus the clients have high respect and regard for him. At the age of 65 years, he retires and hands the company to an investor group. Unfortunately, the investor group face various kinds of issues within a year of hand over. That is why they have planned to adopt a project methodology (Verzuh 2015). The PRINCE2 project methodology is going to solve their issues and the techniques via which Latino Engineering can enhance their business activities will be detailed in the essay (Refer to Appendix A). Latino Engineering generally declines due to failure of the management body. They do not have the correct methodology with them. Dominic Latino was not to cater the quality engineering equipment; however, the new management body due to lack of expertise, lack of experience are struggling. The adoption of PRINCE2 project phases can prove fruitful for them. First of all, they must have a proper design plan for the engineering equipment. Latino should consider the workforce as well (Sommer, Dukovska-Popovska and Steger-Jensen 2014). They must cater the responsibility to the entire team of Latino Engineering according to their expertise. The first phase of PRINCE2 signifies the initiation of the project and the initiation of the project involves the design plan of the project and the responsibility divided among the employees according to the skill. The second phase is the direction of the project. The manager and his subordinates must communicate with each other and constantly keep in t ouch with each other. The tasks must be divided into subtasks and then each part must be completed within stipulated deadline, if any mishaps occur then the manager and his subordinates must come to the rescue and solve the issues as soon as possible (Nicholas and Steyn 2017). Thus the first complaint or the first risk that is the manufacturing of defect equipment can be solved. The next complaint or the next issue that arises is poor follow up with the clients. The manager always keeps in touch with the clients. The partial submission should be delivered and it is the responsibility of the manager to take the feedback from the clients and if possible must update the equipment. Also in case of a manufacturing defect in the product they delivered, the manager should be proactive and should repair the product according to the demands of the clients (Martinelli and Milosevic 2016). Another scenario may occur, the client is not happy with the design and type in certain areas of the product, the manager should revert back within twenty-four hours and should solve the problems if possible. The managers should appoint a customer service team who will keep in touch with the clients all throughout day and night. This can ease the management system. All these alterations and modification must be recorded in the form of soft copy and in the form of hard copy as well (K rysi?ski and Miller 2016). The planning and monitoring phase of PRINCE2 illustrates the clients feedback and the project performance proceedings. The planning phase involves working in accordance to the deliverables sent to the clients whereas the monitoring phase involves the feedback from the clients and work accordingly. The third issue is the long turnaround time for issue resolution. The manager should revert back within twenty-four hours with full responsibility. The manager along with his subordinates must process the project and make the rework as per clients demands and should submit it as fast as possible (Vardy 2015). All these rework must be documented in digital format in the form of a soft copy or in the form of hard copy. Thus the issue resolution of the clients can be solved. PRINCE2 initiating phase, planning phase and the monitoring phase can solve the third issue. The initiating phase involves the starting of the project according to the deliverables and the contracts made with the clients (Svejvig and Andersen 2015). The planning involves the fresh working or reworking of the existing equipment as per the deliverables sent to the clients and the clients wishes and demands. The fourth issue is the non-responsive customer service team. The customer service must adopt the IT services and if possible should adopt the cloud technology, the IT services can help them to connect with the clients 24x7 all day and night. The customer service must be educated with the proper equipment knowledge so that they can serve the customers better. The managers, on the other hand, should keep contact with the customer service team; any critical query must be solved by the management team (Srivannaboon and Munkongsujarit 2016). The fifth issue can be solved by appointing the courier service. The courier service can be a third party or it can be Latino Engineerings owned courier team who will take the responsibility to ship the right equipment to the right clients. The courier service should make a list and then deliver all the items according to the list and they must have acted responsibly and should deliver within time. The five major issues that have been addressed withi n last 12 months have been addressed in this essay and the probable solutions to defend those issues will be discussed in details. Latino Engineering has suffered from the defective engineering equipment development. They do not have the right strategy; they do not have the right plan to satisfy the demands and the requirements of the clients of the Latino Engineering. That is why they failed to deliver the best product to the clients (Karaman and Kurt 2015). PRINCE 2 can help them to cater the best plan to initiate and direct the project forward. The pricing for the project must be considered and Latino Engineering must discuss and make deals with the clients. The project or the machinery project's proposals must be well understood, after that analysing the proposals Latino Engineering must send deliverables if the clients are satisfied with the deliverables the Latino employees must initiate the work. Again, they suffer from follow up with clients (Coppola, D'Ambrogio and Gianni 2016). According to PRINCE2, this problem can be mitigated as well. The whole project must be divided into subparts, then each subpart must be assessed and tested and should be cross-checked by the clients of Latino. In this way, Latino's clients can be assured that the project is proceeding well and the project is completely fine with no issues. On the other side, Latino Engineering can be assured they are successful with the project and this can give them the maximum productivity (Seymour and Hussein 2014). Another issue is the deadline issue, the project is not completed within the stipulated deadline, so the deadline should be set at the beginning, and the subparts must be completed properly within the stipulated time. After partial submission, if the customer is not satisfied with the product will definitely complain, previously there was no management body to listen to them and respond to them from time to time, this can be solved by appointing a customer service team within the Latino Engineering company (Alvarez-Dionisi, Turner and Mittra 2016). The customer service team must record the feedback and should forward it to the higher officials. The higher officials must consider the issues and should decide what to do with the issues. They must command the subordinates to take actions if any negative feedback comes. The subordinates then have to revert back to the higher officials and to the clients within twenty-four hours and should rework as soon as possible. The clients can be as sured that their response is heard upon and the priority is being given to their demands and choices (Joslin and Mller 2015). The clients can also be assured that they will get the machinery product within the timeline. Thus the reputation of the company can get increased due to the effort of Latino Engineering. The clients even have complained that they receive the faulty items and the items are not up to the mark. The main reason behind is the lack of communication. The partial submission should be made and the clients' reviews must be taken into consideration after the submission of the partial project. The clients' feedback must be taken from time to time after the partial submission of the project. The customer, if satisfied with the product, Latino Engineering must continue with the work (Turner and Hartley 2016). The customers if not satisfied, Latino Engineering must rework. Therefore, the customers will have to send acknowledgement whether the responses are positive or negative. The positive response will let the managers know that everything is fine and up to the mark, the negative response will let the employees carry on their rework. The employees must have the knowledge on how to conduct the rework and the managers should help them in need. The rework must be done according to t he parameters set by the clients (Cicmil and Gaggiotti 2017). Then after completing the rework, the rework must be sent to the clients for a recheck, if that is ok, the employees must proceed with the remaining task. The other complaint that comes from the clients' end is that wrong item has been shipped to the clients. Latino Engineering should take help from the third party courier service, should appoint the courier service who will ship the items to the right clients at the right time. They can choose another option; they can set a courier service for themselves (Reynolds 2016). The courier service should provide with the correct product along with the correct address. This can check the mishaps regarding shipment of wrong engineering equipment. PRINCE2 project methodology along with its seven phases has the capability to provide continuous improvement to Latino Engineering and this methodology can guarantee that it can check the problems which has incurred within the enterprise (Refer to Appendix B). Latino Engineering must adopt any project methodology for the betterment of the company, the PRINCE2 methodology can prove to be fruitful to the company as PRINCE2 is widely accepted project methodology all over the world. PRINCE2 consists of the following phases via which the Latino Engineerings business activities can be greatly embellished and all their risks can be minimised (Dyb, Dingsyr and Moe 2014). The phases the project methodology contains are starting up a particular project, and then directing the project in a proper way, then the initiation of the project. Later on the planning, the controlling, the monitoring and the closing associated the project must be conducted to get the desired outcome and the better outcom e. The starting up the project signifies that the project must be initiated and business processes must be processed effectively (Basu 2014). In case of Latino engineering, the engineering equipment must be designed according to the demands of the oil and gas industry and according to the wish and demands of the construction industry. Next, the second phase includes proper direction of the project, here in this phase the deadline is set to complete manufacturing of the various parts associated with the project or the machinery part (Hughes et al. 2016). After manufacturing of each part, that part must be tested and the subordinates must convey the message to their managers stating that the part is completely fine (Arnaut, Ferrari and e Souza 2016). The manufacturing of the parts must be completed within the given stipulated deadline. The project must be completed with full efficiency and must not delay. The initiating of the project involves the procedures via which the manufacturing of the machinery parts must be continued. A project Initiating Document (PID) must dictate the contract and terms of reference for the project entirely (Gonzlez-Marcos et al. 2016). The next phase includes the planning, in this planning phase every machinery part must be produced, then they must be tested properly, if it passes the test then the manager should be acknowledged that the machinery part is fine and the project can further proceed. After that comes the controlling phase, the detailed tracking of the documents is done in this phase, the everyday reports must be prepared by Latino Engineering to facilitate the engineering process as well (Eskerod and Huemann 2013). After finishing up a part of a machinery part, the report on the part must be prepared and should be sent to the higher officials, this is a sign of proof the project is going with success. In this way too it can be assured that the project is totally under control and is up to the mark as per the quality is concerned (Francis 2015). This is basically an iterative process. The monitoring phase involves the monitoring, the partial project must be submitted to the clients and they should check if everything is all right or not. The feedback from the clients is absolutely necessary. The positive feedback determines that the work is fine and Latino Engineering can carry on their work further and can complete the work. The negative feedback determines the failure of the project and rework must be done to solve the issues brought by the clients. That means the project will have to be completed and done as per the requirements prescribed by the clients (Brones et al. 2014). The feedback must be acknowledged by the higher officials and the management as this can provide trust to the managers that the project is executing well. The negative feedback signifies that the managers must take charge and manage the same. The authorisation from the Project Board is necessary and they will have to judge and take the decision the proceedings should be made or not. Lastly, the closing phase signifies that the project has been delivered to the clients and the clients will decide that everything is done in accordance with their wish or demands. Their positive feedback and the signoff signifies that the project has been done in time, the project or the machinery part is fine and an acknowledgement must be taken from the clients that they have received the product and they are satisfied with it (Brones et al. 2014). Thus the whole procedure signifies that the project has been executed well according to the clients demands and the clients are happy and satisfied with the product. Thus PRINCE2 must be adopted by Latino Engineering as this can assist them to run the business operations effectively. It can be concluded from the above discourse that the PRINCE2 can bring in significant changes to Latino Engineering. The five major issues that the company has faced have been discussed in the essay. The issues that have been highlighted are the manufacturing of defective engineering parts, poor design and development of the machinery equipment that can prove fatal to the oil and gas industry and the utility industry. Latino Engineering's lack of communication and follow-up with the clients is also one of the major issues that have been raised and the clients are not happy with their service at all. The customer service team and the courier team have also failed to deliver their best. PRINCE2 has widely used project methodology that has the capability to mitigate all the issues raised. By following proper methodology the employees can deliver the top quality products again, the customer service team can serve the clients well. 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