Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Market Segmentation & Product Brand strategy Essay

Market Segmentation & Product Brand strategy - Essay Example he delivery of orders (planes) and financing problems have reduced the profits for both the above suppliers (Tuggle 2009); however, the intervention of IATA in the reduction of supply chain costs in the US airline industry helped the industry to save about $17 billion in supply chain costs – helping the industry to face the effects of the global crisis (Clark 2011); b) power of customers; customers in the airline industry can choose among the industry’s firms, even if the availability of choices has been reduced due to the increase of M&A (see Graph 1 below); c) industry’s competition; competition in the US airline industry has been limited because of the expansion of mergers and acquisitions; the specific problem is clear in Graph 1 below; in 2010, the number of firms in the US airline industry has been reduced, allowing the existing firms to set easier their rules regarding the industry’s prices and priorities. On the other hand, from 2007 onwards, the industry’s profits have been negatively influenced because of the global crisis; in 2009, the specific industry reported a loss of $4 billion (Bozzo 2010); in 2010, the industry’s profits helped the airlines to cover the relevant loss – even partially; d) substitute products; substitute products are a common phenomenon in the airline industry. Customers who cannot afford to pay the high prices of well known airlines, can choose among low-fare airlines – even with lower quality of services (Zacks Equity Research 2011), e) new entrants; the operational costs of firms in the airline industry can be high; new entrants are difficult to threaten the industry’s existing firms. However, the increase of the power of existing competitors – through mergers – could be considered as a major threat for the industry’s firms. The view that supplier power is somewhat weak reflects the current status of competition in the airline industry. Indeed, Airbus and Boeing are the key suppliers in the particular

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Study of the research and other relevant literature relating to the Essay

Study of the research and other relevant literature relating to the impact of childhood sexual abuse on women survivors - Essay Example In this context, child sexual abuse (CSA) has been considered as one of the worst experiences in a person’s life as its effects are very likely to last for a long time while the responsible adult has little chances to be caught and penalized in accordance with the existing law. This paper tries to present the most characteristic views of the literature as well as of the empirical research regarding the CSA. Although the forms and the results of this action can have many aspects (see Appendix I) in fact there are certain standards regarding the conditions and the effects related with this action so that their presentation can cover most of the cases having similar characteristics. Childhood sexual abuse can be defined as any exposure to sexual acts imposed on children who inherently lack the emotional, maturational, and cognitive development to understand or to consent to such acts. These acts do not always involve sexual intercourse or physical force; rather, they involve manipulation and trickery. Authority and power enable the perpetrator to coerce the child into compliance (Hendricks-Matthews 1997). Characteristics and motivations of perpetrators of childhood sexual abuse vary: some may act out sexually to exert dominance over another individual; others may initiate the abuse for their own sexual gratification (Britton et al. 1997). Holz (1994) has broadly defined childhood sexual abuse as, â€Å"any sexual activity between a child less than age 18 and a person of power, usually two or more years older, and who has authority over the child† (p. 13). CSA has been further differentiated into incest and extra-familial abuse. The abuse is incestual if it is perpetrated by a consanguineous (â€Å"blood†) relative, a relative by marriage, or a person who functions in the role of a family member (Courtois, 1993; Flournoy, 1996; Holz, 1994). Extra-familial abuse is usually perpetrated by parental or