Saturday, May 16, 2020

Analysis Of The Book Yes Means Yes ! By Jaclyn...

Women’s Right To Their Own Bodies The book ‘Yes Means Yes!’ by Jaclyn Friedman and Jessica Valenti contains articles written by themselves and articles written by other women about women’s sexual power and rape. Jessica Valenti’s ‘Purely Rape: The Myth of Sexual Purity and How it Reinforces Rape Culture’ and Jaclyn Friedman’s ‘In Defense of Going Wild’ discusses the problematic ideology of society towards sexuality, purity, and rape. Valenti argues that the way media depicts certain women and that chastity pledges supports rape culture; while Friedman argues that the â€Å"taboo† of women’s sexuality is what drives the porn business and rape. To begin, in ‘Purely Rape: The Myth of Sexual Purity and How it Reinforces Rape Culture’ Valenti explains what she calls the â€Å"modernized virgin/whore complex†. Abstinence –only education is taught during the day and then we get exposed to things like ‘Girls Gone Wildâ €™ at night, it’s confusing and problematic and makes women realize that they do not get to define their sexuality, everyone else does (Valenti, p. 300). The â€Å"modernized virgin/whore complex† happens because women realize that in some situations they need to act pure and in others they need to act promiscuous, according to our popular culture, and it’s not up for women to decide when it’s appropriate and when it is not. I never heard the term used before, but when I read it in this article it made sense. It is the perfect way to define what society wants from women. It is

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