Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My Grandmother s Building A Young African American Boy

When I arrived at my grandmother’s building I saw a young African American boy. He was eight years old; his face dripped with tears and boogers. He felt shameful and embarrassed while he was standing in front of the entrance of the building. Only with his little underwear. I sympathized for the child with my eyes and thought what made him deserve this. There were also other times when I saw kids at the age of seven waiting for their transportation to go to school with their face expression saying I don’t want to go with their pants sagging and clothing that men would wear to just hang out in the streets with their gangs. Generations keeps changing and it has multiple bad sides. We should all lead children properly instead of letting the media guide their life. When I was a child everything was very comfortable for me. I never knew what the internet was until I reached 4th grade and it was only for educational purposes. There weren t so many problems that I can relate myself to children today. I can understand a child’s difficulty when it comes to their parents being separated. However, there are so many things that I ve seen on the internet that disturbed me, things that I would never think of as a kid. Kids smoking weed at the age of 12, pants sagging below their waists,and ten years old exposing themselves in a â€Å"cute† way. This makes me disappointed. Is time fastest forwarding for kids or are they having popularity problems or maybe even raised poorly? Parenting useShow MoreRelatedRichard Wright s Black Boy1310 Words   |  6 PagesRichard Wright from the book Black Boy, John H. Johnson from the article Celebrating the Life and Legacy of John H. Johnson 1918-2005 and many other people listed in the article Whose Canon? Gwendolyn Brooks: Founder at the center of Margins, have experienced this first hand. 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